Jill Tanner is a pharmacist at the Great Falls Clinic Cancer Center. She first heard about the Legacy Foundation from her job, and started donating in 2017. When asked what Jill enjoys the most about donating to the Foundation, she answered, “[I love] seeing the progress of raising the funds and the building itself. I appreciate the dedication of all the people and the organizations who have worked to make the building happen.”

Jill said her favorite fundraiser that the Legacy Foundation has done is the #GivingTuesday fundraiser from 2020 where the Foundation would send flowers and a card to a person of the donor’s choosing. “[The #GivingTuesday fundraiser was good] because it not only benefitted the building but it also made my friend’s day.”
When asked what inspired her to start donating, Jill replied, “Our patients of course. We ought to love one another and it’s a small thing to bear some of their burden. They are in the fight of their life and having a place to stay during their treatments will ease the worry of traveling long hours on potentially terrible roads and will spare them the expense of a hotel. Being so close to their doctor will be a great convenience if they need extra medical support. Another benefit will be the encouraging fellowship with other patients who will stay in the facility with them. I like getting to be part of something that will really benefit people who are suffering.”
“Working in the cancer center, you see the suffering of patients and their families in their battle against cancer. They feel terrible, they are scared, and far from home and family.” Jill shared, “Their lives are turned upside and all I want to do is help. When our daughter was born she was in the hospital for ten days. We lived two hours away and had the opportunity to stay in a similar facility close to the hospital. It was a great blessing.”
“I would ask people who have never contributed to consider donating. If they had cancer and lived hours away, wouldn’t it bless their heart to stay in a place close to their doctor at no charge? It is a privilege to contribute to something that will make a difference to many, many people. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Mark 12:31.”